This policy is to outline Evomart’s position with regards to the resell of refrigerant gas, pre-charged Air Conditioning & Refrigeration systems and any other system where refrigerant gases are resold.

Evomart has the right to refuse sale of any items containing refrigerant gas, where certification and assurances of compliance in writing have not been verified. Evomart will ensure that adequate checks are made prior the release of any goods containing refrigerant gases.

The following text has been taken from the government website, which outlines the steps end users require to have in place and that Evomart will work against to ensure compliance with current regulations.

Engineers and technicians prior purchasing products containing refrigerant gas should:

  • hold relevant certificates and qualifications
  • employ people that hold the relevant certificates and qualifications

If you sell F gas to a customer who will install, service, maintain or repair equipment containing F gas (or uses F gas to function), you must check that the customer holds individual qualifications or employs people holding a qualification.

If they’re doing this work on behalf of someone else, you must check that the customer has relevant company certificates.

Guidance as found on the website:

Record Keeping

You must keep records of:

  • the customer’s certificate number
  • quantities of F-gases they buy

You must keep these records for at least 5 years and show them to your regulator when asked.

A person without qualifications may collect, transport or deliver F-gases.


Get a letter of assurance from F gas customers

You must get a letter of assurance from every customer you sell F gas to. You need this letter if you’re a:

  • wholesaler selling to a reseller
  • wholesaler or reseller selling to a certified or qualified engineer
  • wholesaler or reseller giving gas to a customer for collection, transport or delivery, that has been bought by a certified or qualified engineer

You can download a F gas customer letter of assurance template (ODT, 17.3KB) and ask your customers to complete it.

In the letter, the customer must confirm that they are permitted to buy or collect F gas and that:

  • they will not release F gas into the atmosphere intentionally, unless technically necessary for the use of the F gas
  • they will take all steps to prevent F gas leaks

Get a letter from end users of F gas equipment

If you sell stationary refrigeration, air conditioning, heat pump and fire protection systems, you must get a letter from the end user to confirm the details of the qualified technicians they are using to:

  • install
  • service
  • repair
  • decommission

See guidance on:

You don’t need this letter if the equipment is hermetically sealed – that is if:

  • a part of the product containing F gas is permanently sealed, for example welded or brazed shut, even if it has capped valves or service ports
  • the product has a tested leak rate of less than 3g per year

It is against the law to buy F gas or sell F gas to a person if the person buying does not have the correct qualifications or certificates. If you do, you could receive a civil penalty. See the Environment Agency enforcement sanctions policy.

If you see someone breaking the law on F gas, report it to [email protected]

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